
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

NaNoWriMo 2022, Day 22: 43,632 words

Even with my research taking up the majority of my writing time still, I managed to get a little writing done today: a whopping 794 words, for a running total of 43,632.  I finished out one of the scenes I was working on, and have another scene or two to write based on the available vampire literature of the day, and then I will write the rather difficult dinner scene where Ruby gets to ask Victor her questions!

I don't know if all of this material I'm writing right now will make the final cut, as it may be too pedantic and boring to read about someone else reading vampire literature... but I also feel like it's important for my own story and background development, to have a fresh reading of these stories under my belt.

Well, I'm off to read a little more of Dracula before bed!

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