
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gearing up for NaNo

I love Camp NaNoWriMo because it hardly feels like we've finished before it's nearly time for regular NaNo again.  We have less than two months before November 1st, and I'm already getting excited.  I went into the online NaNo store and finally bought the travel mug I had my eye on last year (and ooh, look! they have new USB bracelets this year!) and made a $10 donation (gotta have that halo on my profile pic!).  I want a sweatshirt but I'm ever so confused as to which ones are available with a zippered front, and it's a lot of money to spend for something I might never wear (I don't generally like pullover hoodies).

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back to revisions!

Toward the end of last week, I FINALLY finished the research I was working on and got back to making revisions in the electronic file.  This is a big deal because just like when I got sidetracked with reading Victorian vampire literature, I'd gone off on a tangent that was keeping me from progressing on my novel... but I felt like I couldn't continue until I finished my research, lest I just have to go back and do more rewrites when I found through my research that I'd gotten something wrong.


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