
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How NOT to win NaNoWriMo

Like this:

Now, granted, I only set my word count goal for the month at 10,000 -- I was also working on revisions, so the word count was only for new material that I would be writing (a couple of short stories and/or writing exercises, as well as new or completely rewritten scenes).  The word count shown on the graph represents two short stories and one rewritten scene.

Like I said, this is how NOT to win NaNo: all at the end.  I wrote half my word count in the last 3 days!  I'm glad I finished, of course, and for me it worked out well because I like writing short stories all in one or two sittings when possible, but...  Waiting until the last minute is not a very successful way to become a writer.

Also, I may have accomplished my word count goal, but my revisions weren't so successful -- I am only perhaps 20 pages further into the manuscript than where I was when the month started.  My side trip into the realm of Victorian vampire literature (which I'll blog about at a later date) kept me from making any real progress on revisions for much of the month.  The good news is, though, that I'm over that particular speed bump now, and back on track with my revisions.  I hope to have it all done by the end of May, so that I can hand it out to my beta readers and work on a few other things (such as covers, a book trailer, and perhaps even revising and making ebooks out of the short stories to help promote the novel) in June.  The next session of Camp NaNo is in July, and I want to be ready to start Book 2 then (Book 3 being already written)!


  1. That looks like my graph from last November, only without that last three bars. Ha ha!

  2. Yeah, I failed pretty miserably last November too... Being able to set my own word count goal in April really helped a lot!



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